Automated Building of Chrono via Buildbot
This guide will describe how to set up a build environment to compile chrono on several different arm platforms, Arch linux in general, Windows and OSX.
based on an ARM5 architecture: Pogoplug V4
based on an ARM6 architecture: Raspberry Pi
based on an ARM7 architecture: Galaxy Nexus
Intel i7-5960X Running Windows 8.1 and Arch Linux
Intel iMac running OSX 10.9 or 10.10 iMac (20-inch, Early 2009)
Installing Arch
Installation of arch onto the pogoplug can be done using the guide provided Here
Installation of arch onto the raspberry pi can be done using the guide provided Here
Installation of arch onto the galaxy nexus can be done using the Complete Linux Installer
For standard platform follow this guide ###Set up build environment
- Update arch
- Install development tools
- Install cmake, git, wget, htop, screen, unzip, clang
Test build of chrono
Note that you don’t have to follow my directory structure here, I use it because I feel that it’s a bit cleaner.
Enable more units
Download irrlicht from here note that the glext.h header might need to be replaced.
Setting up buildbot
Most of this is taken from the buildbot first run documentation.
It is possible that the /tmp partition is too small, in this case run the following line with the desired size, in this case 1024M.
Increase swap size for large builds
Follow This on downloading and installing the prerequisites. Then follow the creating a new slave section in this guide. If Python was installed to a standard location then the following should be enough to get the slave running. Note that the commands should be run from wherever you intend to install the slave. In my case I installed to “C:\Users\buildbot\buildbot”
Use full path in buildbot command
- Install DirectX9 sdk
- Install VS2010 SP1
- Install Win7.1 SDK (without compiler update)
- Install VS2012 SP1 compiler update
- Install Git SCM
- Install Silk SVN
- Add ssh key for buildbot to github guide
- Install CUDA SDK
- Install Boost
- Install GLM
- Install GLFW rename “lib-msvc(VERSION)” folder to “lib” depending on VS version
- Install GLEW
- Install Xcode (from the app store)
- Install command line tools for xcode
- Install homebrew
- Install xquatz
- Install the following packages for compiling on OSX
Follow the buildbot documentation to get a buildbot slave running.