Reverse Mapping Between Two Lists Using Thrust
The goal of this post is to provide a simple example for a common scenario in physics engines. Say I have a list of cells in 3d space and a list of points in 3D space. It is simple to compute for each point what cell it belongs in but much more costly to compute the points for a given cell. Reversing this mapping is a useful way to be able to iterate in parallel over cells or points as necessary.
The following code example will continue to use the cell/point analogy
Input: point_cell_mapping
is a vector of cell indices, one index for each point
First we create a new vector called point_number
which is a sequence from 0->number of points - 1
thrust::sequence(point_number.begin(), point_number.end());
Then we sort the input list
thrust::sort_by_key(point_cell_mapping.begin(), point_cell_mapping.end(), point_number.begin());
The next step is to perform a Run Length Encoding using thrust. cell_start
will contain the start of each cell which we can iterate over. cell_point_mapping
will contain the reverse mapping.
//Perform Run Length Encoding
uint num_cells_active = (thrust::reduce_by_key(point_cell_mapping.begin(), point_cell_mapping.end(), thrust::constant_iterator<uint>(1), cell_point_mapping.begin(), cell_start.begin()).second) - cell_start.begin()
Then we can use an exclusive scan to compute the start of each cell in the full list
//Increase size by 1 so that the last element gets filled with exclusive sum
cell_start.resize(num_cells_active + 1);
cell_start[num_cells_active] = 0;
thrust::exclusive_scan(cell_start.begin(), cell_start.end(), cell_start.begin());
And its as simple as that, at this point we can loop over the points like before:
for(int p=0; p<points.size(); p++){
//Do stuff here
Or loop over each cell
for (int index = 0; index < num_cells_active; index++) {
uint start = cell_start[index];
uint end = cell_start[index + 1];
const int current_cell = cell_point_mapping[index];
for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) {
int p = point_number[i];
//Do stuff here